Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

About the Campaign

The Love One Another Campaign is a bold plan to:

  • Strengthen every parish.
  • Increase vital ministries serving thousands each year.
  • Support education and formation for our children.
  • Grow charitable outreach of the Church to those in need.
  • Support our priests, deacons, seminarians, and lay ministers.Your dedication and commitment through your contribution to this campaign will have a significant impact on so many important ministries—helping our local Catholic communities and beyond.

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Love One Another Campaign Goal: $150 Million

Your dedication and commitment through your contribution to this campaign will have a significant impact on so many important ministries—helping our local Catholic communities and beyond.

$90 million
Providing for a Future of Healthy Parishes

$13.5 million
Serving and Helping Those in Need

  • Catholic Charities................................... $8 million
  • La Sagrada Familia................................ $500,000
  • Catholic Social Responsibility................ $5 million

$13 million
Supporting Our Priests, Deacons, Seminarians 
and Lay Ministers

  • Saint Francis de Sales Seminary........... $8 million
  • Senior Priest Health Care................... $2.5 million
  • Formation & Education....................... $2.5 million

$16.5 million
Strengthening Centers of Prayer and Ministry

  • Parish and School Repair..................... $3 million
  • Rural Parishes...................................... $1 million
  • Mary Mother of the Church
    Pastoral Center.................................. $9.5 million
  • The Cathedral of St. John
    the Evangelist........................................$1 million
  • College Campus Ministry.......................$2 million

$17 million
Catholic Schools

  • Grants to Schools............................... $12 million
  • Seton Catholic Schools........................ $5 million

The Love One Another Campaign covers extraordinary parish and archdiocesan needs not met through the Catholic Stewardship Appeal. All contributions will be received by the Love One Another Trust for the use and purposes set forth in the Love One Another Campaign and for no other purposes.



Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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