Most families can make larger gifts when they are budgeted and paid for in installments over 60 months, (five years).
We ask donors to sign their pledge cards to confirm their intentions to give. Pledges are not legally binding and can be changed in donors’ circumstances change.
If a donor is able, they are encouraged to make an initial payment. An initial payment is a strong indication of a donor’s commitment to completing a campaign pledge.
Checks for pledge payments should be made payable to “Love One Another Campaign.” Donors may write the name of their parish in the memo space on their check.
Donors are encouraged to give to all the areas of need in the of Love One Another Campaign case for support. A donor may restrict their gift to one or more of the campaign case elements. If a donor restricts a gift entirely to the parish case, the 60% parish and 40% ministries split of all the parish’s gifts will be honored.
Completed pledge cards and initial payments are placed in sealed envelopes to:
a. allow donors who choose to use them protect confidential information.
b. keep credit card information confidential.
The sealed envelopes should only be opened by the bank that processes the pledges and payments. Campaign funds, including cash gifts, should not be deposited into parish bank accounts.
During the active phase of the campaign, the Pilot Phase, Wave 1, Wave 2 or Wave 3, the parish will be provided tamper-proof envelopes to mail pledges and initial payments to a campaign-designated lockbox for gift processing and accounting.