Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

Volunteer Information

Thank you for volunteering to assist your parish with its Love One Another campaign. The information found here will help you prepare for personal visits with fellow parishioners and community members. Every family will be invited to prayerfully consider making their best pledges to the campaign. Your generous, enthusiastic, and dedicated involvement will help achieve the best possible results for your parish. 


Prayer is a vital component of this campaign and is a key to overall success.  Each parishioner is invited prayerful consideration of their pledge.



The most effective method to raise funds in a campaign is through personal, face-to-face requests. Personal visits enable you to explain the needs fully, answer questions, and invite parishioners to make their best pledges to the campaign.



Everyone is blessed with different financial situations.  Parishioners are asked to give in proportion to their blessings--equal sacrifice versus equal pledges.  



To encourage long-term commitments to the campaign, pledges are payable five years. The campaign emphasizes pledging because it allows all families the opportunity to consider larger commitments than through one-time gifts.



Parish campaigns are structured in a phase-by-phase manner.  Each phase of campaign activity builds on the success of the previous phase.  The parish campaign starts by inviting pledges from parishioners who give the most to the offertory, followed by regular offertory contributors, and finally giving every household the opportunity to make their best pledges.    

Volunteer FAQ's

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  Why emphasize pledges payable over 60 months, (five years)?

Most families can make larger gifts when they are budgeted and paid for in installments over 60 months, (five years).

  Why are donors asked to complete and sign pledge cards?

We ask donors to sign their pledge cards to confirm their intentions to give. Pledges are not legally binding and can be changed in donors’ circumstances change.

  Why is an initial payment requested?

If a donor is able, they are encouraged to make an initial payment. An initial payment is a strong indication of a donor’s commitment to completing a campaign pledge.

  How should pledge payment checks be made payable?

Checks for pledge payments should be made payable to “Love One Another Campaign.” Donors may write the name of their parish in the memo space on their check.

  Can a donor restrict their gift to a specific element of the campaign case, including their parish?

Donors are encouraged to give to all the areas of need in the of Love One Another Campaign case for support. A donor may restrict their gift to one or more of the campaign case elements. If a donor restricts a gift entirely to the parish case, the 60% parish and 40% ministries split of all the parish’s gifts will be honored.

  Why do donors place their completed pledge cards and initial payments in sealed envelopes to be mailed for processing?

Completed pledge cards and initial payments are placed in sealed envelopes to:
     a. allow donors who choose to use them protect confidential information.
     b. keep credit card information confidential.
The sealed envelopes should only be opened by the bank that processes the pledges and payments. Campaign funds, including cash gifts, should not be deposited into parish bank accounts.

  How will pledge cards and initial payments be sent from the parish to the Archdiocese to be processed and acknowle

During the active phase of the campaign, the Pilot Phase, Wave 1, Wave 2 or Wave 3, the parish will be provided tamper-proof envelopes to mail pledges and initial payments to a campaign-designated lockbox for gift processing and accounting. 

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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