Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

Centers of Prayer and Ministry

$16.5 Million


Parish and School Repair and Replacement Fund: $3 Million

Impact: Helping financially struggling parishes and schools meet urgent structural needs.

A $3 million emergency repair and replacement fund will help ensure parishes and schools with serious financial concerns maintain safe and comfortable environments for worship and learning.


Rural Parishes: $1 Million

Impact: Establishing a grant program that will provide support to rural parishes to strengthen their ministries and viability.

With the consolidation of family farms and more, our rural parishes are facing challenges. As priests are shared among clustered parishes spread miles apart from each other, there are fewer options for Mass each weekend, and fewer opportunities for ministries. In some rural areas, religious education is not always an option due to lack of resources and formation assistance.

This grant program for rural parishes is designed to give these parishes support and assistance through training opportunities and program assistance as they develop innovative ways to respond to the changing needs of the people they serve. Your support will help rural parishes remain viable and vibrant faith communities.


Mary Mother of the Church Pastoral Center: $9.5 Million

Impact: Structural updates and improvements to the Pastoral Center will offer increased opportunities to serve parishes and schools throughout the Archdiocese.

Built in 1963, the Pastoral Center is the center of service and support to all of our parishes and schools and countless organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church in southeastern Wisconsin. The Pastoral Center regularly hosts educational training, professional development, retreats and seminars for parish, school, and ministry groups in various roles throughout the Archdiocese. The central offices of the Archdiocese house more than 20 specific ministries to assist parishes.

The most immediate updates include:
1. Developing formation and teaching space using technology for adult learning.
2. Updating and repairing prayer space, including chapels for Mass, daily prayer, and devotions.
3. Addressing deferred maintenance, including parking lot, air conditioning and other repairs.
4. Providing gathering space for parishes and multi-cultural Catholic communities.


Your support will enable renovations and updates so that the Pastoral Center can serve as a hub for formation and fellowship for our entire Archdiocese.


The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist: $1 Million

Impact: The immediate structural challenges facing the “Mother Church” of the Archdiocese will be addressed, including replacing its roof.

Built in 1853, the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist opens its doors, time and time again, for events, celebrations and liturgies that embrace and impact every parish in the Archdiocese. Ordinations, special liturgies, prayer services in times of sorrow and celebration are held under the roof of this historic church—a roof that is in dire need of repair.

Your support will ensure that this historic landmark and Mother Church to all parishes within our 10 counties of southeastern Wisconsin remains on solid foundation for many years to come.


College Campus Ministry: $2 Million

Impact: Strengthening college ministry in the Archdiocese to help more than 10,000 Catholic students stay connected to their faith.

One of the greatest challenges in our Church today is keeping our young people connected to their faith. The pressures and stresses of college life can lead to their faith lives becoming less of a priority. Through your gift, we can support college students as they seek the importance of Christ in their lives, continue to grow in their faith, and emerge as mature Catholic adults.


Application Form for Ministry Grants from the Love One Another Trust


Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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