Holy Trinity, Kewaskum
Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

Holy Trinity, Kewaskum

Our Parish Roots:

Holy Trinity Catholic Church began as a mission church of St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception in Barton. The first church building was consecrated in 1863 and the parish became independent in 1868. Holy Trinity Catholic School, which is still active, was established in 1880. The parish has continued to grow over the years and today, the parish has a mission church of its own, St. Matthias, in New Fane.

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Last year, the pastoral council solicited input from parishioners to help us direct Love One Another funds in the best way possible. The pastoral council considered all the ideas and forwarded recommendations to the finance council, which made the final decision to allocate funds towards new church doors, replacing the exterior glass of the church windows, a new heating system, and restoring the sanctuary

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Pledged as of 7/21/2023


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The current church doors (Main Street entrance) are in poor shape and need to be replaced. New doors will increase accessibility and security, while providing a beautiful and welcoming entrance.


We are blessed to have historical stained-glass windows. While the windows are in fair condition, the exterior glass and glazing need to be replaced to preserve these works of art for years to come.


The current boiler has required many repairs in recent years. It has served its purpose and it is now time to replace it. Our plan is to convert the heating system from steam to hot water and replace the current boiler with two highly-efficient units.


Holy Trinity Church boasts an impressive neo-gothic architectural design. To enhance our worship in this beautiful space, we will restore elements of the sanctuary. This will include the following: restoring the sanctuary platform and covering it with a more dignified flooring material, adding additional pews, rebuilding the three high altars to create a more transcendent worship experience, and enhancing elements of the sanctuary painting scheme. These restorations will benefit personal and communal prayer by inspiring hearts to give glory to God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459
Email:   loveoneanother@archmil.org


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