Our main worship space has not received any substantial updates since its building. We need to invest in our worship space as the heart of our campus, uniting our parish and making it a place of beauty that inspires, invites and gives glory to God. Funds raised will go towards a number of projects to improve accessibility to the parish, as well as refurbishing the stained glass windows in the church cupola. Additional funds will go towards building repairs to the parish center building.
Our current parish family consists primarily of an older population. We want to invest in both programming that reaches our current community, but also invites Catholics of all ages in through evangelization. This will include ministries that care for and enrich the lives of our seniors, as well as welcoming, educating and helping form the faith journey of young families. We will also increase our other ministries by enhancing and expanding our already rich outreach programs to the most vulnerable and needy in our community.