Our parish has a variety of capital needs that will be addressed through the Love One Another Campaign. We will replace the AC unit which is operating beyond its life span. The unit cools the church, preschool, and rectory and is a pressing need. Next, we need a new membrane roof. Lastly, we will repair the front steps of the church. This fund will allow us to take care of our facilities and ensure that they serve the needs of our parish for years to come.
For years, we have partnered with the Kitui Diocese in Kenya. We will tithe 10% of our share of funds to assist our partner diocese. $24,000 will go a long way in helping their diocese. It will also serve as an example of partnership in Christ.
We will also establish an Evangelization Fund. We will use this fund to focus on calling people back to the Faith. The Catholic Church lost many members during the pandemic, and it is essential we focus on growing the church. We will use this fund to increase marketing efforts and develop programming to bring people into our parish.