We have been blessed with wonderful buildings where we can come together as a parish family to celebrate the Eucharist, pray, and continue to do God’s Work in Random Lake. In order to continue to be good stewards of our buildings, and care for our house of worship, there are many pressing capital projects that need to be completed. These improvements include: upgrading our current audio system to make Mass more accessible to all parishioners, installing new entrance doors, tuck pointing, masonry repair to the sacristy stairs, maintaining our parking lots, completing repairs, and making structural improvements to the office building, Parish Center, and Community Room with more energy-efficient heating and cooling options.
Recently, a new roof was installed at St. Mary’s Chapel. In order to address this urgent need, our parish had to take out a loan to complete the construction. A portion of the funds raised will be used to pay off the loan and set our parish up for a stable financial future.
In order to remain a bright, vibrant, and growing parish, we also need additional funding that goes beyond our operating expenses to financially support our ministries. This portion of the funds will be reserved for supporting important initatives in the areas of Faith Formation, Outreach programs, and Divine Savior Catholic School. We will also focus on improving our formation resources and upgrading technology infrastructure throughout the buildings to allow for expanded outreach opportunities.