Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

Sacred Heart, Horicon

Our Parish Roots

The congregation of Sacred Heart Parish at Horicon was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide for the continued presence of the Catholic Church in the heart of Dodge County. The parish opened its complex in 2004, and is now home to 443 households. As the parish continues into its second decade, we aspire to further commit ourselves and use our resources, gifts, and talents that God has given us to welcome more people into the community. At Sacred Heart Parish, we know that nothing can subsitute the time we spend together during Sunday worship or at an after mass social. When we gather together in our house of worship, we are nourished by God in Word and Sacrament, can serve in God's name and discover Christ's presence in community life. 

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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used to repair the infrastructure of our parking lot and improve upon our building and grounds maintenance. 


Parish Goal


Active Campaign

Wave 1

January 2022 - June 2022

As of 9/20/2024

Total Pledged


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A total repair of the parking lot has been an urgent need to create a more welcoming entrance into our parish. With plans started over a year ago, the improvements include laying the cement, repainting traffic lines, and envisioning multi-functional activity usage. Additionally, we will install a new top of the line electronic sign to replace our current one. This will be done in conjunction with the parking lot renovation.


Upholding the building and grounds as its most pristine condition is fundamental to preserving our connection to God. Improvements will include meeting the structural and cosmetic needs of our parish and planting new life in our gardens to be most welcoming to visitors and members alike. The structural and cosmetic needs will be assessed, but will follow suit with the new parking lot to create a beautiful, peaceful, and comforting place for parishioners to pray and worship. 

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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