By expanding and improving the use of technology across our campus, we can augment accessibility and security. We will upgrade our Wi-Fi connection across the campus to enhance our technological abilities. We will update the audio and video technology in the parish hall. This will help advance parish formation opportunities. This campaign also provides an opportunity to upgrade our current audio to make Mass more accessible for all our parishioners. We will install a fob system that will allow us to make our churches available for personal prayer and create a safer environment by controlling access to our buildings.
To foster a safe and functional environment to worship, we must prioritize the maintenance of our buildings. Through this campaign, we plan to complete necessary repairs and improvements to ensure the structural integrity of our church and safety of our parish family for decades to come. The projects include:
• $300,000: Replacing the roofs over the gym, sacristy, and office
• $100,000: Update Parish Hall flooring and lighting
• $150,000: Upgrade school HVAC/boiler system
• $120,000: Repair roofs and repaint exteriors of the rectory and Vercelli House. In the rectory, we will add an additional bathroom and replace the carpeting.
• $20,000: Update exterior and interior campus signage.
We would like to upgrade the current playground equipment to provide a safe and fun environment for our children to play and learn together.