Parish and School Technology ~$225,000
a. Aquire a new PA system for the school.
b. Update school, office, and Steiger Hall technology.
c. Aquire “hearing loop” system for the church.
Parking Lot Updates ~$500,000
a. Resurface, add grassy area, and install lighting in the
school lot to reduce costs and provide better security.
b. Resurface the church lot for long-term preservation.
c. Resurface the staff lot for safety purposes.
Building Upgrades ~$200,000
a. Upgrade parish office air conditioning to reduce cost.
b. Church bathroom functional and aesthetic updates.
c. Replace church boilers with high efficiency units.
d. Update appearance of bridal room.
Helping the Poor and Needy ~$25,000
Establish a fund to be used at the pastor’s discretion to
provide assistance to parishioners in need, as well as to
support the St. Matthias Human Concerns committee.
Financial Aid ~$23,982
Establish a fund to provide assistance to those needing
help in affording before and after school care, fees
for religious education, and fees for sacramental
preparation. This fund will aid school and religious
education parents who are unable to afford these
additional programs. The school endowment currently
provides tuition assistance.