We will continue to address short-and-long-term maintenance needs at our Parish buildings. Specifically, we will establish a fund to address ongoing needs within our church, Child Development Center, and our rectory buildings. A fund will allow us to have a reserve in place for when these needs arise. This will allow our mission and ministry to grow in line with our priorities and assets, alongside strengthening the Catholic presence in the west side of Racine.
We will establish a fund to support our evangelization initiatives within St. Edward and the Catholic Community in Racine. Our Great Commission Fund will be used to strengthen efforts to make disciples of Christ within Central Racine through formative events in our Parish cluster that include but are not limited to summer work camps and retreats. An additional fund, the Unleavened Bread Fund, will be dedicated to bolster our continuing support to charities and institutions to support families in need in the Central City in Racine.