A portion of the funds will be used to build a much-needed new Rectory at the church. Having a place in which to house current, future, and visiting priests will be critical to our longevity and hospitality as a parish.
We would like to add a Prayer Garden to our parish campus. The garden will feature a Rosary Walk and Stations of the Cross. Summers here in Wisconsin allow for mission, faith, and ministry to be furthered through our connection with the parish grounds, and these features will further enhance that aspect of parish life.
Some of the funds will be used to upgrade the existing cemetery maintenance building, including an equipment storage unit, updating a small administrative office for staff and visitors, and adding a restroom for burials.
Repair of the church roof and replacement of the parking lot are necessary undertakings for the beauty and sustainability of our campus. We will also repair the roof flashings and undergo important detail work that has been delayed for many years now.
Carpet and flooring replacements will include adding ceramic tiling in the back of the Sanctuary, replacing carpeting in Fireside area with vinyl tiling, and upgrading the carpet in the Narthex and Sanctuary. These changes will enhance overall parishioner experience.
We will make additions to our school, including the installation of a new sign, basketball court, and a rubber base in the playground.