Our parish buildings are over 50 years old and need updating and repair. Priorities include tuckpointing, replacing flooring in the classrooms and rectory, replacing kneelers, ceiling fans, and the air conditioner units for the church, Parish hall, and Narthex. We also need to add to the existing security system to cover all areas in the school, the church, and parking lots. These projects will allow us to continue to be a vibrant beacon of God’s word and for all to feel safe in our worship environment.
We need to replace sidewalks and railings throughout our campus. The sidewalks are crumbling, the railings are rusting out, and the playground equipment has been deemed unsafe. Replacing them will give all parishioners, including those with physical limitations, the ability to move around our property safely. Replacing the playground equipment will allow our children to play in a safe environment.
We will continue to have additional maintenance needs at our parish including sealing our parking lots every few years and other future projects. A maintenance fund will allow us to have reserves in place for when these needs arise.
We need to modernize our technology as we update and improve our buildings and our grounds. This will give us the continued ability to evangelize to those who are unable to come to Mass and reach those in need of hearing the Word of God.