Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Matthew, Campbellsport

Our Parish Roots

In 1843, the first settlers came to our area. By the late 1840’s, neighboring parish priests were active in visiting Catholics in the area, providing services in private homes. One of the first Masses was celebrated in the home of Mrs. Teresa Bach, the brick home still standing across from our present church.

With a increasing number of Catholics, a church was built in 1862, and in 1874, Rev. Anton F. Michels was appointed the first resident pastor. The parish outgrew its facilities, and in 1905, a new house of worship was erected on the present site. Rev. Anthony C. Biwer took over in 1939. He was instrumental in the renovation of the church, school, the rectory, and Sisters’ home and in the building the parish hall. Throughout the years, a growing population warranted renovations and changes to the parish. The largest of which occurred in 1990 when the parish voted to renovate the deteriorating church building, rather than build a new one.

Today, St. Matthew Parish is a vibrant worship community that impacts the people of Campbellsport with its various ministries.


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Our Share and Gift Challenge

Our share of the funds raised will be used to address a variety of capital needs. We have already recieved a generous gift to renovate the parish center and expand the daycare. That individual is challenging the rest of the parish to step up and help raise the rest of our goal to strengthen the parish. 

Parish Goal


Parish Share 


Pledged as of 8/21/2023


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While working with the Love One Another Campaign, we have received a generous donation to renovate our parish center. This renovation will update the building to meet the needs of our daycare. The daycare is one of our most active programs in the parish and the needs continue to grow. There will also be renovated spaces for other ministries held within our parish center. We will also install new plexiglass for the St. Killian Chapel stained-glass windows, renovate the parking lot at St. Martin Chapel, complete bathroom renovations, and update the playground. We need your participation in the Love One Another Campaign to strengthen our Archdiocese along with our Parish. As we journey forward together, we know our facilities must continue to meet the needs of our Parish. As you discern your participation, know that your contribution will strengthen the future of our Church.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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