Our grade school continues to attract and welcome more families to our parish campus. Our strategic plan includes refreshing the school. Planned upgrades include, but are not limited to, updating the hallways and restrooms, new flooring and cabinetry and up-to-date whiteboards in place of chalkboards in the classrooms in a phased manner. These necessary investments will allow us to attract more students and families and provide a comfortable and modern learning environment for our children.
The Marcy Center plays an important role in our parish mission and we want to continue to invest in this facility. Projects include, but are not limited to, renovating the bathrooms and updating the kitchen area. All improvements are oriented towards providing parishioners and guests with a warm, safe, and welcoming experience.
Funds will be used to complete the replacement of asphalt in the parking lots and drives. Other potential projects being discussed include replacing the main storage shed on the east side of our campus, major reallocation of space in the school to allow us to increase enrollment, and a possible coffee shop/gathering place. Monies will be allocated based on the greatest need and return on
our investment.
With buildings dating back to 1956, we need to continue to fund our long-term capital account. This fund ensures we have sufficient resources to continue to keep our facilities up to date as needs arise. Upcoming facility priorities include replacing the HVAC system in the church, mechanicals, building facades, and the general building exterior. Funding this account ensures our facilities support our mission and ministry.