We need to address short-and-long-term priorities within our worship space as we prepare for the 100th anniversary of our parish. The focus will include updating the audio and lighting systems, restoring the reredos, relocating the baptismal font, and installing new stair railings. Making the necessary renovations will allow us to continue to be a vibrant beacon of God’s Word and to grow our mission and ministry.
Our child play equipment is over 25 years old. We need to replace the equipment that has been deemed unsafe. Replacing them will allow us to eliminate hazardous conditions and maintain a safe environment for our children. We will also remodel the playground area to maintain modern standards.
Ministries designed to connect the younger congregation to our community of faith are initiatives that weplanned to develop at St. Jude the Apostle. However, we have not had the resources to fully implement this. As we look towards a new century in our parish, we will use campaign donations to develop and maintain a strong youth ministry and development initiatives for future generations.
Our buildings and grounds need updating and repair. Priorities include tuckpointing, repairing the parking lot, updating the lights across our campus, and upgrading the HVAC system. These projects will maintain a safe environment for all visitors, make our campus more energy-efficient, save our parish on maintenance and upkeep costs, and reduce the risk of unexpected failures.