• Rectory and Notre Dame Buildings: The roofs of the rectory and Notre Dame buildings have been in need of replacement for several years. $77,000
• Church Interior: The interior of the church has not been renovated since the fire of 1977 and rededication in December of 1979. The obvious tasks are cleaning the ceiling and walls and replacing the carpeting or installing new flooring. Considering the tasks, it is only logical to start at the top which means removing all the pews and carpeting and erecting scaffolding to reach the ceiling and walls. Due to the cost of scaffolding (~$100,000), we propose painting the interior so it can last for another 45+ years. $420,000.
• Important Repairs: Replacement of the aging steeple clocks and the grade school fire alarm system and flooring. $50,000
• Cemetery: The wrought iron fence has been in place for many decades. Some sections and the entrance have been restored by insurance and donations but there are 39 sections that need to be sand blasted, repaired if necessary and powder coated to complete the project. The second columbarium cabinet (48 niche) will also be needed in 2023, and a third within 5 years. Other building improvements and significant landscaping are also included. $108,000.
• Adult Formation and Evangelization initiatives are a priority with additional funding annually over five years. This includes social events in local venues, semi-annual keynote speakers, after-mass socials, special events for evangelization, training and retreats for catechists, and marketing expen