St. Theresa, Theresa
Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Theresa, Theresa

Our Parish Roots:

St. Theresa Church was organized and named by Rev. Francis Xavier Schraudenback in 1849. The first church, a log framed chapel, was built about 1851. The present church was completed in 1880. The first school was built in 1866 but was destroyed in a fire of 1901. A new brick school was built shortly thereafter and the rectory built in 1914. St. Theresa Church went through a major renovation in 1964 after Vatican II and once again in 2017.

The School Sisters of St. Francis were active in St. Theresa’s parish from 1895-1974. In 2013, St. Theresa, St. Andrew and St. Mary came together in one faith to serve Christ.

Though small, St. Theresa remains and active and faith-filled congregation and continues, to this day, to be a vibrant community, living and proclaiming the Gospel.


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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning, and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used for capital improvements for our parish building.

Parish Goal


Parish Share


Pledged as of 3/1/2024


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In order to continue being good stewards of our parish and uphold the splendor of the Mass, we need to invest in several infrastructure projects. Projects will include a sacristy facelift to improve the space, a refurbishment to our organ and upgrades to the parish sound system including but not limited to new chorale microphones for the choir and new speakers in the back of church. Both will enhance the beauty of our music ministry. Additionally, we will replace the carpet in the back of the church hall to ensure the parishioner safety. Finally, we will modernize our church hall heating system to be more cost efficient and improve temperature control.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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