Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Mary of Good Counsel, Mayville

Our Parish Roots:

St. Mary of Good Counsel Parish was founded in 1857, under Bishop John Henni. From a small wooden church building to the brick parish that holds over 550 families each weekend, St. Mary has been a fixture in Mayville for 165 years.

The first parish school was organized in 1868 and established Catholic education as a fixture to St. Mary’s core values. Today, the parish school serves 64 students 3K through 3rd grade. Our worship space, the church building, was built in 1971.

In 2013, St. Theresa, St. Andrew and St. Mary came together in one faith to serve Christ. St. Mary has always been an active and faith-filled congregation, and continues to this day to be a vibrant community living and proclaiming the Gospel.


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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning, and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used for capital improvements and a future fund for our school facility.

Parish Goal



Challenge Goal


Pledged as of 3/1/2024


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Campaign funds will go toward school updates and new construction. The facility plan includes a safe, functional environment to eventually include the additions of grades 4, 5. and 6. We strive to teach the word of God by providing a strong Catholic education, offering families a much-needed alternative to public schooling.


In order to continue being good stewards of our parish buildings, we need to invest in several infrastructure projects. These include refurbishing our pews due to covid sanitation and wear and replacing our HVAC system with a more energy-efficient unit to better maintain a comfortable temperature. Funds will also go towards repaving portions of our parking lot and sidewalks to ensure safety in the winter. We will also install keyless entryways to our school and church facilities to keep our children, staff, and parish members safe.


Our school building is a wonderful fixture in the Mayville community and is important in educating the next generation of Catholics. It will need continued maintenance and renovations to provide our students with a safe and fulfilling educational experience. Funds will go toward creating a future building fund to ensure that the school’s exterior features such as the doors and windows are optimized for safety while maintaining aesthetics.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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